Source code for flask_deprecate.flask_deprecate

Business logic.  Kept separate in case the project
becomes larger for some reason in the future.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import functools
import logging

from flask import request

_LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def deprecate_blueprint(old_blueprint, new_blueprint=None, message=''): """ Deprecates an every route on a blueprint by adding a header "WARNING" with a message. If a url_prefix is set for the blueprint in either the blueprint init or the registration with the app, then an additional section on the header will appear saying the blueprint is deprecated. If a new_blueprint is also provided, the header will have additional info directing the client to the new URL. Note, that this will not automatically redirect the client. The blueprint must be deprecated before registering it with the application >>> from flask import Flask, Blueprint >>> app = Flask('myapp') >>> deprecated_bp = Blueprint('deprecated', 'deprecated') >>> new_bp = Blueprint('new', 'new') >>> deprecate_blueprint(old_blueprint, new_blueprint=new_bp) >>> app.register_blueprint(bp, url_prefix='/v1') >>> app.register_blueprint(new_bp, url_prefix='/v2') :param flask.Blueprint old_blueprint: The blueprint to be deprecated :param flask.Blueprint new_blueprint: The new blueprint that will be replacing the old one (if applicable). :param str message: An extra message to append to the warning header :rtype: NoneType """ _setup_url_prefix(old_blueprint) if new_blueprint: _setup_url_prefix(new_blueprint) def _after_request_handler(response): full_message = _build_blueprint_message(request, old_blueprint, new_blueprint, message) return _warn_deprecated_view(response, full_message) old_blueprint.after_request(_after_request_handler)
[docs]def deprecate_route(message=''): """ Adds a Warning header to the response informing the client that the route is deprecated .. code-block:: python from flask import Flask, Response from flask_deprecate import deprecate_route app = Flask('myapp') @app.route('/my_route') @deprecate_route() def deprecated_route(): return Response() :param str message: Additional information to provide to the client """ def _decorator(func): @functools.wraps(func) def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs): resp = func(*args, **kwargs) return _warn_deprecated_view(resp, message) return _wrapper return _decorator
def _warn_deprecated_view(response, message, log_level=logging.WARNING): response.headers['Warning'] = message _LOG.log(log_level, message) return response def _on_blueprint_register(state): _BLUEPRINT_PREFIXES[state.blueprint] = state.url_prefix def _setup_url_prefix(blueprint): blueprint.record_once(_on_blueprint_register) def _build_base_message(message=''): full_message = '{0} is deprecated;{1}'.format(request.base_url, message) return '299 - "Deprecated API : {0}"'.format(full_message) def _build_base_blueprint_message(root_url, message=''): blueprint_message = '{0} is deprecated;{1}'.format(root_url, message) return _build_base_message(message=blueprint_message) def _build_new_blueprint_message(old_root_url, new_root_url, message=''): new_url_message = 'Use {0} instead;{1}'.format(new_root_url, message) return _build_base_blueprint_message(old_root_url, new_url_message) def _build_blueprint_message(req, old_blueprint, new_blueprint, message): if _BLUEPRINT_PREFIXES[old_blueprint] is None: return _build_base_message(message) old_blueprint_url = _join_url(req.url_root, _BLUEPRINT_PREFIXES[old_blueprint]) if new_blueprint and _BLUEPRINT_PREFIXES[new_blueprint] is not None: new_blueprint_url = _join_url(req.url_root, _BLUEPRINT_PREFIXES[new_blueprint]) return _build_new_blueprint_message(old_blueprint_url, new_blueprint_url, message) return _build_base_blueprint_message(old_blueprint_url, message) def _join_url(root, prefix): return '/'.join([root.rstrip('/'), prefix.lstrip('/')])